Founded as an engineering and software development consultancy, we provide state-of-the-art simulation technology solutions to meet our client’s requirements. We take pride in our ability to develop in-house bespoke software tools as well as utilising commercially available codes to deliver projects using the most advanced simulation algorithms.
Our past clients have included major companies from a variety of industries including offshore, defence and aerospace companies. We are especially proud of our ability to develop software products such as Zencrack with its unique capability to accurately simulate three-dimensional crack propagation.
Our consultancy services have been applied across a range of industries and on a variety of commercially important applications including:
- leak before break studies under high temperature and pressure transient loading conditions including startup and shutdown conditions
- derivation of an analytical methodology to predict aircraft engine component fatigue lives as an alternative to expensive mechanical fatigue testing
- forensic analysis to examine the effect of roll and mis-alignment of the roller bearing on fatigue crack growth development
- fatigue analysis of riser hang-off structures for an offshore field development
Zentech has always recognised the benefit of consultancy services to the ongoing development of successful software; only through regular application to real-world problems can our programs evolve and continue to be relevant.
In continuous development since 1990, our main software Zencrack has achieved many milestones, notably the development of a true 3D fatigue crack propagation facility.
We also collaborate with universities and industry in the research and development of engineering theories and techniques and these activities, along with our consultancy work, often lead us to present at international conferences.
We are also corporate members of a number of relevant industry bodies.
Corporate memberships
Zentech is a member of Additive Manufacturing UK (AMUK), part of the MTA portfolio
Zentech is a member of the UK Forum for Engineering Structural Integrity (FESI)
Zentech is a member of The National Agency for Finite Element Methods and Standards (NAFEMS)
Zentech is a member of the TWI Innovation Network
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