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  2. Zencrack Support
  3. Unit Conversions

Zencrack Support

Unit Conversions

The units used in a Zencrack analysis must be consistent throughout the analysis. This may require that reference data be converted between unit systems.

The most common error in terms of unit conversions relates to the crack growth law. References may not always be as clear as they could be in defining the units when stating the crack growth law C coefficient for Paris and more complex laws.

As well as providing some relevant standard conversions, the tool on this page can be used to confirm conversion of the crack growth law C coefficient for various units of da/dn and deltaK.

Unit Conversion Tool

Precision of output values

Set the required precision of the output fields with these two options:

Number of digits before decimal for results fields =

Number of digits after decimal for results fields =

Note: trailing zeros are not displayed in the results fields.

Conversion for stress intensity factors

Set both units and the input value on the left hand side.

Conversion for Paris / Walker equation "C" coefficient

Set all four units and the input values of C and n where da/dN=C(DK)n or da/dN=C[(DK)(1-R)(m-1)]n.

Input: da/dN units: deltaK units: C= n=
Output: da/dN units: deltaK units: C=  

Conversion for length units

Set both units and the input value on the left hand side.


Conversion for pressure / stress units

Set both units and the input value on the left hand side.


It is the responsibility of all users to verify conversions independently. Please inform us of any errors .