Zencrack Support

Contact Us

Support is available to users with a maintenance agreement by contacting Zentech International Limited via any of the methods on our contact page. For queries regarding a particular analysis that is causing problems for you, e-mail is the preferred method.

If you've not been able to find the answer to your problem in the support pages, here are a few extra comments that might help before you get in touch.

Zencrack Documentation

Three manuals installed as part of your Zencrack Documentation that might help...

Getting Started Manual

The Getting Started Manual includes an overview of methods and terminology used in Zencrack.

Step-by-step Examples Manual

A guide to using the Zencrack GUI for both remeshing and crack-block models.

Examples Manual

Documented examples that can be found in the demos folder of the Zencrack installation.

Self-help Suggestions

Before requesting support for an analysis query, please be sure that you have considered the points in the Getting Started Manual sections How To Check The Cracked Mesh and How To Check A Crack Growth Analysis. In addition, if the program terminates without giving a numbered error message at the end of the .rep file you should check for the following:

  • An error message exists in the .rep file but is not at the end of the file. Search for ***ERROR.
  • If there is no .rep file the error message is in file ZENCRACK.ERR.
  • If the job does not appear to have run and a Zencrack user subroutine is being used, check whether or not there was an error during the link and compile phase by looking for on-screen messages. In this instance there will be no output files.
  • If the source of the error cannot be located in the .rep file check the .dbg file.
  • If the program has stopped due to a Fortran error check the log file for batch jobs or screen messages for interactive jobs.

What do we need?

If it is necessary to send job files to Zentech, it is generally the case that the following are required:

  • The .zcr file.
  • The uncracked mesh file.
  • Any ancillary files needed to re-run the analysis, e.g. user subroutines, materials file, etc.
  • The .rep file.
  • The .vis file.
  • The .dbg file.

If for some reason the .rep file cannot be sent, the Zencrack version and the f.e. code version should be confirmed to us.

Local Support

If you use one of our agents for local support, the information above still applies. In the first instance, you can send details of your query to the agent rather than directly to us at Zentech.