Crack Growth In Pin-Loaded Tubes

S. Berdouk, R.J. Grant, P. Meynier, J. Smart
North East Wales Institute, Wrexham, Wales

The First International Conference On Computational Mechanics (CM'04), Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, November 15-17, 2004

Previously, Grant & Smart [1,2] have reported on both experimental and numerical results for pin-loaded tubes. In the experimental work, tubes were loaded by means of a central shank and transferred to the tube by means of a transverse pin. (It should be noted that this work originated because this resembles a part of an aircraft structure.) The crack growth rate and trajectory were noted and some experiments were finished early to obtain the crack profile which was found not to lie in a radial direction. In the finite element modelling, at various 'radial lengths', the crack was given a twist and a tilt and the crack profile was estimated. It was found that the numerical and experimental results correlated with each other. The same experimental set up is now been replicated using a boundary element programme, Beasy, and the finite element programme, Zencrack. In both programs, an initial crack is given and the program automatically calculates the crack growth. The objective of the research is to compare the crack growth trajectory and the profile of the crack with the previous results and to compare critically the different methods. This work is currently in progress and the results from the different procedures will be compared and contrasted.

[1] Grant RJ & Smart J (1999) Crack growth in pin-loaded tubes. Part 1: numerical analysis, J Strain Analysis, 34, 253-269
[2] Grant RJ & Smart J (1999) Crack growth in pin-loaded tubes. Part 2: comparison of experimental data with numerical results, J Strain Analysis, 34, 271-284