Fracture Mechanics Studies at TWI Using Abaqus
R.M. Andrews, A.P. Dyer
Structural Integrity Department, TWI, Abington Hall, Abington, Cambridge, U.K.
Presented at the 10th U.K. Abaqus User Group Conference, Abington, U.K., September 21, 1995
TWI's Structural Integrity Department uses ABAQUS to support work in fast fracture and fatigue. Two widely differing examples are presented in this paper. A study of ductile tearing in thin sheet aluminium alloys has required the reproduction of extensive crack advance to evaluate candidate fracture parameters. Welded tubular joints in three dimensions have been modelled with solid elements including the weld. Weld toe cracks have been included in these models and both linear elastic analyses (to generate stress intensity factors) and full non-linear analyses have been carried out. Results from ABAQUS analyses are presented and compared with experimental results. Some remarks on the future development of fracture mechanics facilities in ABAQUS conclude the paper.