Double-lug Bracket
Sample Applications
Double-lug Bracket
Analysis of a 2-crack configuration in a double-lug bracket
This analysis demonstrates growth of two cracks in one of the lugs of a double-lug bracket. The pin passing through the lugs is modelled as a rigid body with contact definitions on the inner lug surfaces. The loading is a constant amplitude displacement on the pin.
Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the geometry and uncracked mesh.
The initial cracks are both defined by a circle of radius 2mm. Previews of these geometric definitions and the initial remesh regions are shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4.
Animations of crack growth and contoured crack surface are shown in Figure 5, 6 and 7.
One crack dominates to the extent that the second crack stops growing.
Figure 1 - Intact model geometry
Figure 2 - Meshed uncracked model
Figure 3 - Meshed uncracked model with highlight of initial crack geometries and initial remesh regions
Figure 4 - Meshed uncracked model with highlight of initial crack geometries and initial remesh regions (zoomed view)