Demonstrating Structural Integrity Under Challenging Load And Material Conditions

Chris Timbrell [1], Ramesh Chandwani [1], Ma Chunlei [2]
[1] Zentech International Limited
[2] Consys Group Limited

ISSI 2018 - Nanjing, China, 2-5 November 2018

Since the industrial revolution when a German mining engineer August Wohler first studied the frequent breaking of chains causing several casualties and developed the concept of what we now know as the S-N curve, many experimental, theoretical and software-aided simulation techniques have been developed to study ageing material behaviour and to design new materials. Over time the demands placed on new materials have required operation under more severe temperatures and loads in order to conserve natural resources and minimise emissions.
Fracture mechanics based finite element algorithms to simulate 3D cracks in components / structures have proved very useful in assessing the residual life and developing repair and maintenance strategies as mandatorily required by various licensing authorities for the continuous operation of infrastructure projects in Aerospace, Power, Transportation, Oil and Chemical industries under the ever more demanding operating conditions. Here one such software tool for crack simulation of industrial applications is presented with examples including combined fatigue and time dependent crack growth under thermo-mechanical loading including hold-time and weld defect assessment with inclusion of dis-similar materials.