Determination Of Interfacial Toughness Curves Using Experiments And Simulations
F.Leblanc [1], J.Roger [1], A.Zimmermann [1], D.Coutellier [2]
[1] Robert Bosch GmbH, Corporate Research and Development, Stuttgart, Germany
[2] Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut Cambrésis, France
Journées Nationales sur les Composites #14, UTC, Compiègne, France, March 22-24, 2005
Within the fracture mechanics frameworks, adhesion can be considered in terms of an interfacial
toughness. The interfacial fracture energy Gc depends on the mixed mode angle (the relative
proportion of tensile and shear forces at a given distance ahead of the crack tip). Such an
approach has been shown to efficiently predict the behaviour of multi-layered structures or
components containing different materials and to provide a usefull simulation technique for the
development of industrial products.
In order to determine the interfacial toughness, lots of sample geometries exist (i.e. the Asymmetric
Double Cantilever Beam Single Leg Bending, End Notched Flexure, Symmetrical Center
Cracked Beam, Brazil Nut Sandwich). Besides, some authors quote the influence of surface
pre-treatment on the delamination (chemical as well as physical interactions) or manufacturing
processes and underline the influence on the interfacial toughness. The numerous test methods
enable the choice of different loading conditions and at the same time allow to reach a wide range
of mixed mode angles.
In this paper, we present a method to determine the interfacial toughness curves, based on the
correlation between experimental techniques and numerical simulations. Experiments were
conducted for typical polymer/polymer interfaces, similar to those encountered in electronic
packaging applications, and a commercial finite element code was used in combination with a
meshing tool to compute the mixed mode angle and the related energy release rate.