The Use of Fracture Mechanics for Fatigue Life Assessment

Ramesh Chandwani, Zentech International Ltd.

NAFEMS UK Seminar: Current Best Practices in Fatigue Analysis using FEA, London, UK, 16 September 2014

Fatigue failure is a complex physical process, encompassing both crack initiation and crack propagation phases. Using fracture mechanics, fatigue crack growth can be characterised and residual fatigue life evaluated. In the case of a failure, the cause of fracture can be determined forensically. Indeed, fracture mechanics, In conjunction with finite element analysis techniques, has become a very powerful tool for the assessment of the safety and durability of new and legacy based infrastructure projects, the failure of which could have enormous economical and loss of human life consequences. This paper highlights some of the techniques available and demonstrates their application to a range of fatigue life assessments.