Analysis Types
A creep analysis of a cracked body may be carried out by generating a cracked mesh with appropriate material definitions and analysis controls. This allows the development of creep strain to be studied in a cracked component.
In the Zencrack interfaces to Abaqus and Ansys it is also possible to evaluate the Ct-integral as a function of time. This allows the steady-state value, C*, to be determined for each node along the crack front. As with j-intergal evaluations, Zencrack produces the necessary input request in the cracked mesh for Ct-integrals and also processes the results of the analysis to help with post-processing.
External mesh of reheater drum and stub
Ct integral along the crack front at time 1e6 hours
The profile of the internal embedded defect
Ct integral time history for crack front position with highest final Ct
Analysis Types
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